Friday 10 June 2011

Woodpeckers get some A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E!

There's much excitement in Woodpeckers class as we are busy choreographing dances ready for the end of term production 'School Daze' on Wednesday 6th July at Testwood Baptist Church. Don't miss it!

Thursday 9 June 2011

Dragon Training!

Foxes class proved that they have what it takes to be Dragon Trainers!

Everyone came dressed as a fantasy character to help us launch our new 'Dragon Training' topic. After a morning of story-telling, the children enjoyed watching a fantasy tale in our impromptu cinema.

I think we'll be picking popcorn up off the carpet for weeks to come!

Land Ho!

Owls and Woodpeckers enjoyed the start of their new topic 'Land Ho!' on Tuesday as they celebrated with a Hook afternoon!

We found out about Japan, learnt how to use chopsticks and wrote our name in Japanese using noodles!

Xavier was really pleased that he cracked how to use chopsticks and Holly F was surprised that it wasn't considered bad manners to slurp your noodles! We look forward to the rest of our topic.

Written by Jordan W and Rachel K


Oakfield Primary School

Oakfield Primary School
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