Tuesday 17 May 2011

Felicity Aston comes to Oakfield!

On Monday 9th May 2011 Oakfield had a very special visitor.  She was an Antarctica explorer called Felicity Aston.

Felicity spoke to us about Antarctica, and she brought her exploring kit with her.  Some children like Maisie (Yr3) and Max (Yr4) got to try on some Antarctic exploring kit.

Felicity has a big red jacket and a big black hat that keeps her warm in the South Pole.  Felicity taught us how we could scare off a polar bear by making ourselves look big, and rustling a plastic bag.  She taught us about frost-bite and that the animals in Antarctica are not afraid of people because they have never been hurt.

We all really really enjoyed Felicity coming to Oakfield and lots of us want to be Antarctic explorers (but some of us don't)!

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