Wednesday 18 May 2011

Woodpeckers venture into the Dragon's Den!

Today, Woodpeckers have been testing out their entrepreneurial talents by pitching their chocolate bar designs to the 'Dragons'. These pitches were the result of several weeks of hard work - designing and conducting questionnaires, collating and presenting the results, brainstorming and testing ideas to come up with their final presentations.

The dragons asked some tough questions about the profitability of the children's business proposals, which they confidently answered under pressure.

Miss Blackler said, "The children have been looking forward to entering the Dragon's Den and have been working exceptionally hard. They have learnt about how businesses work and have developed useful skills in ICT as they produced their questionnaires on Microsoft Publisher."

All the groups made a good pitch for some investment, but the overall winners were Emma, Carmen and Libby with their 'Choc Shock' bar.

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