Wednesday 29 June 2011

digital art

Last Thursday, two people from Year 5 and two people from Year 2 were invited to a digital art course for the afternoon.

A man called Tony came in aswell as some children from local schools and told us about the art he did (digital art.)

We started off by doing a quick collage with buttons,fabric and metal.
Once we had done that, Tony came and took a picture of our collage and then he uploaded our pitures onto the computer.Then, if you wanted, you could have your picture taken too.

Everybody logged onto a computer and listened to Tony talk about what we had to do next. So everybody went onto a programme called paint.NET.On this programme you could put all your pictures into a digital collage. We were able to change the colour of our skin and clothes, we were also able to add pictures from the internet too.

We enjoyed it and it was very fun. We learned alot.

By Charlie and Bethany.

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