Wednesday 29 June 2011

Oakfield's Multicultural Art Week

Last week at Oakfield Primary School, everyone was busy with their art. Every class had their own topic. The whole school did lots of exciting activities which kept them very busy.

Yr 5 and Yr 6's topic was the Far East. They walked to Goatee Beach and did some exciting activities like tea writing, pebble painting and Andy Goldworthy nature pictures.

Yr 3 and 4's topic was South America. They did fun things like weaving and worry dolls. The worry dolls were made of wire and wool. The weaving was very complicated but they ended up looking beautiful.

The infants topic was Africa. They had lots of fun with their art. They made murals of people. Then they coloured them in which made them look really nice.

At the end of the week we had a massive celebration in the hall. That's where we showed off all our work to the Mum's and Dad's who were amazed. Then we had a picnic outside and a chinese dragon decided to join us! Two or three other people played the drums and the cymbals.

As you can see we had an amazing week!

By Eamon and Evie

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