Monday 7 November 2011

The NSPCC visit the children of Oakfield

Pat and Buddy from the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) visited us on Wednesday 2nd November to tell us all about Childline and how they help children who are feeling worried or upset.

We are going to help Childline by raising some money for them. We get to take part in a Super Circuit event tomorrow (Tuesday 8th November) which we will be sponsored for. If we get enough sponsors, we earn badges!Pat explained that we should not ask strangers to sponsor us, we are only allowed to ask people we know.

If you are having a tough time, don't forget the Childline number is 0800 11 11, there is always a person waiting to take your call. It doesn't cost you a single penny but having a chat might help you to overcome your fears or worries.

Thanks for reading all about the NSPCC.
From the Squirrels!

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