Monday 7 November 2011

Oakfield's Big Dig!

The Herb Garden starts!

After measuring up and a visit from Mr Muir, who kindly dug the foundations out for us, the Oakfield Gardening Team got started! Lots of enthusuastic and hard working parents and children gave up their Sunday to help us create an idyllic garden for all of us kids to use. The herb and flower garden will help us to learn more about Science, Geography and Healthy Eating.

Everybody worked really hard to make 8 garden planters, 1 herb wheel, 1 chicken coop and half the slabs were laid down. We also managed to tidy up the quadrangle, organise the greenhouse and give the new guinea pig hutch a new home! What a lot of work to do in one day! A MASSIVE THANK YOU to everybody who came and helped out.

As you can see below, it is all looking really good! We are continuing with work this Sunday 13th November from 1-4pm. Please pop along for a couple of hours and help out if you can spare the time!

Any help would be much appreciated!

From Squirrels class!

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