Friday 18 November 2011

Oakfield's Big Dig Day 2!

Another Sunday..another checklist of jobs ticked off!

On a gloriously sunny November Day, the garden team (plus a few new willing arrivals) continued work on the Herb Garden. All the groundwork for the posts has now been completed - holes were dug and huge wooden posts chopped to size!

Sub-groups also worked around the school; painting walls and rubbing down the climbing frame ready for a good lick of paint - it should look as good as new when completed. We have also ordered new netting for the frame so apologies if it is out of action for a while but we want to make sure that it is always in tip-top health and safetly condition for the children.

Many thanks to everybody who helped. It was lovely to work alongside such supportive parents and form stronger bonds with the people in our community, all your help was very much appreciated and I know the children will benefit hugely from all that we have achieved.

Mrs Wilkinson

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