Tuesday 24 May 2011

Terrific Tuesday part 2....

Terrific Tuesday part 2........

After lunch we all headed off to the Olympic Sailing Centre at Portland Bill to test our sailing skills. Amber had a Titanic moment at the bow of the drascombe and Alexandra's group got soaked by a 'Tsunami'. The American, GB and Norwegian Olympic sailing teams were all out on the water and gave our group lots of waves and encouragement!

The children were delighted to have hot dogs and curry for tea, followed by crumble and custard. Mrs Venn is enjoying not having to do any washing up!

Our evening activity was called 'Wash-out', the children had to guess words written in the air with their bottoms, make the world's longest human chain and create an advert to promote PGL! A fantastic time was had by all!

Room inspections continue to go well....parents you would be amazed at how tidy your children are being! The children are awarded points every morning and evening and some children are going above and beyond the call of duty to gain those extra brownie points.....plate clearing and make over provision for adults to name but a few! We were particularly impressed when walking in to room 447 to find the cosmetic counter below!

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