Thursday 26 May 2011

Tricky Thursday at Osmington...

Good morning everyone!

Despite another good night everyone is finding it harder to get up now. The adults are waking up the children rather than the other way around!

We had a very special start to the day because it is Ben's birthday. In the breakfast hall, Ben had 'Happy Birthday' sung to him as he opened all his cards...including one from Cheryl Cole! You can tell from the photographs that Ben was very impressed by this and he has displayed all his cards proudly in his bedroom!

After another quick room inspection (which included 'hotel style' folded toilet paper and inventive folding of clothes in bags!) it was off to the first activities of the day.

Group 1 has been rifle shooting. Everybody was a really good shot! Thomas particularly enjoyed it and proved to be a great marksman.

Group 2 went into the 'Tunnels of Doom' and helped Mrs Venn through it! Each member of the group went deep underground, into the depths of the hillside. This activity really showed how supportive our children are of each other and they did us proud. The instructor was incredibly impressed with them.

This afternoon we are raft-building...check the blog later tonight to see who will survive...

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