Wednesday 25 May 2011

Wicked Wednesday at Osmington...

Day 3 and it is getting harder to wake up...

Some children had exactly 6 minutes between getting up and room inspections this morning! The fresh air, excitement and jam-packed days are beginning to show! Despite some sleepy heads, everybody did sleep well and had a good night.

Perking up after a hearty breakfast of sausages and scrambled egg....and toast...and cereal...and fruit...and yogurt, we all went off to our first activities of the day.

Group 1 have been climbing the heights of the indoor wall and Tim was a star at getting to the top.

Group 2 have been trampolining - we love the funny faces you can pull when you are in the air. Jemma showed us her 'swivel hip' skills, Maja showed us her luminous socks and Isaac showed us his socks with holes in!

After lunch, both groups are off to the Olympic Sailing Centre to go kayaking....check the blog tonight to see who stayed dry!

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