Friday 4 May 2012

Friday 4th May The final day of our adventure. We all had a very busy morning first thing as we had to make sure that everything was packed in our suitcases and our rooms were clear. Nearly everyone managed to pack everything and get their sleeping bags sorted but some needed a little help!! After another hearty breakfast we went off to do our first activity. Group 1 had Matrix (or Quad bike cleaning as it is known here!), group 2 had quad biking and group 3 had survivor. Again everyone was brilliant in facing their fears and working as a team. We then had to go straight into our next activity. Group 1 were doing low ropes, group 2 did the Matrix/quad bike cleaning and group 3 did quad biking. All did fantastically well with everything. I would like to say a big thank you to Badger Class as they have been superb this week on our trip away together and we have all had an amazing time here at Little Canada. Thanks again Miss Chainey.

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