Wednesday 2 May 2012

Little Canada - Day 1!

Tuesday 1st May Our Adventure begins! We had a really good ferry crossing today and arrived on the Isle of Wight to fantastic sunshine. The children were all very excited to be on their trip to Little Canada and we had a lot of 'Are we nearly there yet Miss Chainey?'. When we did arrive at Little Canada, we met our groupie Laura and she took us over to the house to drop off all of our bags. The children then went on a tour with Jamie, whilst the teachers had a chat with Laura. The children ate well for dinner and filled up on lots of salad and fruit! In the evening we had our first activity 'Robot Wars'. It was brilliant fun and the children had a great time. They had to do lots of different activities to earn points towards equipment for turning two of their team in to robots for the Robot Wars at the end. The robots were blindfolded and had to be guided by their teams to pick up glasses of water to throw at their opponent. Some of which got thrown straight at me!! We all then went back to the house to get ready for bed. A superb first day. Miss Chainey

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