Friday 4 May 2012

Little Canada - Thursday 3rd May

Thursday 3rd May. Our adventure continues... Everybody slept really well last night and most of the children didn't wake up until at least half past 6 this morning! We got ready and went for another hearty breakfast to set us up for the day. Group 1 then had aeroball, group 2 had inside climbing and group 3 had low ropes. As always everyone did fatastically well overcoming their fears and giving everything 100% effort. After that, group 1 did inside climbing, group 2 did low ropes and group 3 did archery. We all had great fun and showed lots of good team work and being brilliantly supportive towards their friends who were not so confident. After a delicious lunch of pizza and chips (much appreciated by the children), we went for our afternoon activities. Group 1 did quad biking, group 2 did archery and group 3 did aeroball. We have definately got some future Sterling Mosses and William Tells in our class! After a short break, group 1 finished the day with archery, group 2 with tunnel trail and group 3 had inside climbing. We then had our dinner and got ready for our big night out at the disco. Everyone has had another superb day (even if we are all getting very tired!) and we are looking forward to our final activities tomorrow. Well done Badgers!! Miss Chainey

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